Nolan O'Hara

Resident in Child Neurology, University of Michigan

Resident in Child Neurology, University of Michigan

Graduate Program Affiliation: Translational Neuroscience Program
Research Interests
Clinical Interests
Advisor: Jeong-Won Jeong, PhD

Research Interests

Understanding the functional and structural correlates of language development and brain development in infants, children, and young adults.

Honors and Awards

  • International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Trainee Stipend Award 2018
  • International  Congress on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Stipend Award 2018
  • The University of Michigan Tanner Memorial Award 2012


Hanna GL, Liu Y, Isaacs YE, Ayoub AM, Torres JJ, O’Hara NB, Gehring WJ. 2016.“Withdrawn/Depressed Behaviors and Error-Related Brain Activity in Youth with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.” Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 55(10), pp. 906-913.

O’Hara NB, Gehring WJ. Dec 2013. “Event-Related Potential Components Associated with the Preparation and Execution of Self-Motivated Deception within a Morally Accountable Context.” Master’s Thesis Retrieved from University of Michigan Deep Blue Database. Full text available at:

Conferences Attended

  • SMRM Workshop on Advanced Neuro MR, 2018
  • International Congress on Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2018
  • Child Neurology Society, 2018
  • Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 20015
  • Cognitive Development Society, 2015