About us

Please feel free to contact us using whichever of the following methods is easiest for you. Or, if you prefer, you may contact a specific member of our staff directly. We will make every effort to respond to your inquiry within 24 hours.

Address all correspondence to the individual program director at:

Wayne State University School of Medicine
540 East Canfield Avenue
Room 1128 Scott Hall
Detroit, MI 48201

Administration and Staff



Ryan Thummel, Ph.D.
Interim Associate Dean of Biomedical Graduate Programs
Director, MD/PhD Program
Gordon Scott Hall

brush George S. Brush, Ph.D.
Director, Basic Medical Science and Medical Research Programs
Gordon Scott Hall
Deanna Doña
Associate Director, Biomedical Graduate Programs and M.D./Ph.D. Combined Degree Program
Gordon Scott Hall
Julianna Barjaoui
Program Management Specialist
Gordon Scott Hall