Lesley Lawrenson
Physician (Radiation Oncology), Advanced Oncology, Long Beach, CA
Education: University of California San Diego BS Biochemistry Molecular Cell Biology 2001
University of California San Diego MS Biology “Aging Attenuates Vasodilatory Response to Isolated Small Muscle Mass Exercise” 2003
Graduate Program Affiliation: Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics
Research Interests: Undecided
Clinical Interests: Undecided
Advisor: Henry Heng, PhD, Molecular Medicine and Genetics
- Ye CJ, Stevens JB, Liu G, Bremer SW, Jaiswal AS, Ye KJ, Lin MF, Lawrenson L, Lancaster WD, Kurkinen M, Liao JD, Gairola CG, Shekhar MP, Narayan S, Miller FR, Heng HH. Genome based cell population heterogeneity promotes tumorigenicity: the evolutionary mechanism of cancer. J Cell Physiol 219(2):288-300, 2009.
- Chugani HT, Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Lawrenson L, Muzik O, Chakroborty PK, Sood S. Increased striatal serotonin synthesis following cortical resection in children with intractable epilepsy. Epilepsy Res. 78(2-3):124-30. 2008.
- Heng HH, Stevens JB, Lawrenson L, Liu G, Ye KJ, Bremer SW, Ye CJ. Cell Oncol. 2008;30(6):513-14.
- Richardson RS, Donato AJ, Uberoi A, Wray DW, Lawrenson L, Nishiyama S, Bailey DM. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 292(3):H1516-22. 2006.
- Donato AJ, Uberoi A, Wray DW, Nishiyama S, Lawrenson L, and Richardson RS. Differential effects of aging on limb blood flow in humans. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 290: H272-278, 2006.
- Wray DW, Uberoi A, Lawrenson L, and Richardson RS. Evidence of preserved endothelial function and vascular plasticity with age. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 290: H1271-1277, 2006.
- Wray DW, Uberoi A, Lawrenson L, and Richardson RS. Heterogeneous limb vascular responsiveness to shear stimuli during dynamic exercise in humans. J App Physiol 99: 81-86, 2005.
- Bailey DM, Young IS, McEneny J, Lawrenson L, Kim J, Barden J, and Richardson RS. Regulation of free radical outflow from an isolated muscle bed in exercising humans. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 287: H1689-1699, 2004.
- Bailey DM, Davies B, Lawrenson L, Davison GW, Isaacson R, and Richardson RS. EPR spectroscopic detection of free radical outflow from an isolated muscle bed in exercising humans. J Appl Physiol 94: 1714-1718, 2003.
- Barden J, Poole JG, Lawrenson L, Brown CF, Seng S, and Richardson RS. Achievement of Metabolic Limitation to Exercise in Trained Skeletal Muscle. The FASEB Journal 17: 955, 2003.
- Barden J, Poole JG, Lawrenson L, Brown CF, Seng S, and Richardson RS. Is Vasodilation Maximized During Maximal Small Muscle Mass Exercise? Med Sci Sports Exerc 35: 109, 2003.
- Lawrenson L, Hoff J, and Richardson RS. Aging Attenuates Vascular and Metabolic Plasticity but Does Not Limit Improvement in Muscle Vo2max. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 2003.
- Lawrenson L, Poole JG, Kim J, Barden J, and Richardson RS. Central vs. Peripheral Limitations to Muscle VO2max in Aging Subjects. The FASEB Journal 17: 1279, 2003.
- Lawrenson L, Poole JG, Kim J, Barden J, and Richardson RS. The Role of Age and Activity in Vascular Responsiveness. Med Sci Sports Exerc 35: 397, 2003.
- Lawrenson L, Poole JG, Kim J, Brown CF, Patel PM, and Richardson RS. Vascular and Metabolic Response to Isolated Small Muscle Mass Exercise: The Effect of Age. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 2003.
- Lawrenson L, Poole JG, Brown CF, Barden J, and Richarson RS. Vascular Endothelial Reactivity Mediated by {HbO2}; The Effects of Age. The FASEB Journal 16: 766, 2002.
- Poole JG, L. Lawrenson, J. Kim. C. Brown, J. Gonzalez-Alonzo and R. S. Richardson. Vascular Endothelial Reactivity Mediated by {HbO2}. Med, Sci, Sports, Exer 34: S32, ABSTRACT, 2002.
- Poole JG, Lawrenson L, Brown CF, Barden J, and Richardson RS. Leg Blood Flow During Submaximal and Maximal Large Muscle Mass Exercise in Humans. The FASEB Journal 16: 764, 2002.
- Poole JG, Lawrenson L, Kim J, Brown C, and Richardson RS.
- Poole JG, Lawrenson L, Kim J, Brown C, and Richardson RS. Vascular and metabolic response to cycle exercise in sedentary humans: effect of age. Am J Physiol 284: H1251-1259, 2003.
- Wagner PD, Lawrenson L, Poole JG, Gavin TP, Brown CF, and Richardson RS. Effects of Small Muscle Mass Training on Muscle Function in COPD. American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine 167: 962,. 2003.
National Graduate Student Research Award, American College of Sports Medicine
Department of Defense Predoctoral Fellowship
Outside Interests: Triathlon, hiking, camping