Jay Llaniguez
Director of Innovation, Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, CA
Jay Llaniguez
Education: University of California - Berkeley, B.S.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M.S. in Mechanical Engineering
Mentor: Dr. Juri Gelovani
- Zakaria HM, Llaniguez JT, Telemi E, Chuang M, Abouelleil M, Wilkinson B, Chandra A, Boyce-Fappiano D, Elibe E, Schultz L, Siddiqui F. Sarcopenia Predicts Overall Survival in Patients with Lung, Breast, Prostate, or Myeloma Spine Metastases Undergoing Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT), Independent of Histology. Neurosurgery. 2019 Jun 24.
- Baker BB, Meyer DN, Llaniguez JT, Rafique SE, Cotroneo TM, Hish GA, Baker TR. Management of Multiple Protozoan Ectoparasites in a Research Colony of Axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum). Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. 2019 May.
- Laws MT, Bonomi RE, Kamal S, Gelovani DJ, Llaniguez J, Potukutchi S, Lu X, Mangner T, Gelovani JG. Molecular imaging HDACs class IIa expression-activity and pharmacologic inhibition in intracerebral glioma models in rats using PET/CT/(MRI) with [18 F] TFAHA. Scientific reports. 2019 Mar 5;9(1):3595.
- Sappok AG, Llaniguez JT, Acar J, Wong VW. Emissions and In-Cylinder Combustion Characteristics of Fischer-Tropsch and Conventional Diesel Fuels in a Modern CI Engine. In ASME 2005 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference 2005 Jan 1 (pp. 111-123). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Llaniguez JT. A fundamental study of relationships among fuel properties, combustion characteristics and emission with normal and synthetic diesel fuel (Masters dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
- Quantitative and Qualitative Behavioral Measurements to Assess Pain in Axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum)
Jeremy T. Llaniguez, Morgan A. Szczepaniak, Barry H. Rickman, Juri G. Gelovani, Gerald A. Hish, and Tara M. Cotroneo
Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (July) 2019
- Reduced Cardiac Regeneration Following Mechanically-Induced Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Axolotls
Cardiac Injury Models in Laboratory Animals: A Review