James Matchynski
Resident in Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan
Resident in Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan
Education: University of Michigan - Dearborn, B.S. 05/2015
Graduate Program Affiliation: Translational Neuroscience Program
Research Interests:
Clinical Interests:
Advisor: Alana Conti, PhD and Shane Perrine, PhD
Major Professional Societies:
2018: Member, Michigan Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience
2018: Member, Society for Neuroscience
2015-2017: Member, American Chemical Society
2015-2016: Member, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2013-2015 SI leader (peer instruction), University of Michigan - Dearborn
- Introductory Physics II and General Physics II (FA 2013,2014)
- General Chemistry IIA (W 2014)
- Volunteer for Brain Day March 2018
- Volunteer for St Mary Mercy Hospital in the CT department (2014-2015)
- Jeans for Genes Fundraiser for ataxia-telangiectasia (2014)
- Assisted Detroit Public School Teachers Transfer Classrooms (2012-2013)
- Volunteer for the organizations IMPACT (2012-present) and Master Provisions (2007-present).
Research Interests
Changing fear expression through the use of neuronal ensembles
Honors and Awards
2009 Mid-Michigan Brain Bee Winner, Central Michigan University
2011 Chancellor’s Scholarship, University of Michigan-Dearborn
2011-2014 Dean’s List, University of Michigan-Dearborn
2011-2015 University Honors, University of Michigan-Dearborn
2013 CRC Freshman Chemistry Award, University of Michigan-Dearborn
2014 ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award, University of Michigan-Dearborn
2014-2015 James B. Angel Scholar, University of Michigan-Dearborn
2015 Distinguished Research Award, University of Michigan-Dearborn
2015 Biochemistry Honors Scholar, University of Michigan-Dearborn
2015 ACS Outstanding Undergraduate Award, University of Michigan-Dearborn
2015 Honors with High Distinction (3.92 GPA), University of Michigan-Dearborn
2015 2015 class of Dearborn Difference Makers, University of Michigan-Dearborn
2015-2017 Board of Governors’ Tuition Scholarship, Wayne State University
2017-2018 Thomas Rumble Fellowship, Wayne StateUniversity
Conferences Attended:
Invited/refereed presentations at international/national meetings
- Matchynski JI, Chamoun AW, Marilee B, Smith SR. Investigation of copper exchange between the avian egg proteins Riboflavin Binding Protein, Phosvitin and Vitellogenin. Experimental Biology, Boston, MA 2015 March
- Smith, SR, Benore, M, Matchynski, JI. Eggs in one basket: Is there a role for riboflavin binding protein in copper transport and storage? 249th ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO, 2015 March (Assisted with methods development, data collection and data processing)
- Matchynski JI, Manwar R, Kratkiewicz K, Perrine SA, Conti AC, Avanaki MRN. Optimizing photoacoustic imaging of lacZ cleavage products. SFN National Meeting, Scheduled 2018 October
Invited/refereed presentations at local/regional meetings
- Matchynski JI, Virk U, Briggs C. Control of the Promoter Region in RPS3. Poster 21st Annual Natural Sciences Poster Session, Dearborn, MI, U.S.A. April 2013
- Matchynski JI, Marilee B, Smith SR. Development of New Protein Purification Technique of Avian riboflavin Binding Protein Utilizing its Isoelectric Point. 22nd Annual Natural Sciences Poster Session, 2014 April
- Matchynski JI, Marilee B, Smith SR. Development of New Protein Purification Technique of Avian riboflavin Binding Protein Utilizing its Isoelectric Point. Meeting of Minds Conference, 2014 April
- Matchynski JI, Manwar R, Kratkiewicz K, Perrine SA, Conti AC, Avanaki MRN. Photoacoustic imaging of neuroactivation using a cFos/LacZ gene reporter system. Brainstorm. 2018 May
- Matchynski JI, Manwar R, Kratkiewicz K, Perrine SA, Conti AC, Avanaki MRN. Photoacoustic imaging of neuroactivation using a cFos/LacZ gene reporter system. Michigan Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience. 2018 May
- Matchynski JI, Manwar R, Kratkiewicz K, Perrine SA, Conti AC, Avanaki MRN. Functional photoacoustic imaging of neuron activity using a cfos/lacz gene reporter system. Translational Neuroscience Program Symposium and Research Day 2018 May
- Matchynski JI, Manwar R, Kratkiewicz K, Perrine SA, Conti AC, Avanaki MRN. Functional photoacoustic imaging of neuron activity using a cfos/lacz gene reporter system. Translation Neuroscience Program Symposium and Research Day 2018 May