Erik Brown
Resident, Pediatric Neurosurgery (PGY9), Valley Children's Healthcare, Madera, CA
Education: BS Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Graduate Program Affiliation: Translational Neuroscience Program
Research Interests: EEG/ECoG, Epilepsy, Functional Brain Mapping, Biomedical Engineering, Neuroimaging
Clinical Interests: Neurology, Neurosurgery, Epilepsy, Helping the Uninsured
Advisor: Eishi Asano, MD, PhD – Pediatrics, Neurology, Electrophysiology (Children’s Hospital of Michigan)
- Evaluating Signal-Correlated Noise as a Control Task with Language-Related Gamma Activity on Electrocorticography. Clinical Neurophysiology; (in press).
- Brown EC, Jeong JW, Muzik O, Rothermel R, Matsuzaki N, Juhasz C, Sood S, Asano E. Evaluating the Arcuate Fasciculus with Combined Diffusion-Weighted MRI Tractography and Electrocorticography. Hum Brain Mapp. 2013 Aug 24.
- Brown EC, Matsuzaki N, Asano E. The Transient Effect of Interictal Spikes from a Fontal Focus on Language-Related Gamma Activity. J Epilepsy and Behavior. 2012 Aug; 24(4):497-502.
- Brown EC, Muzik O, Rothermel R, Matsuzaki N, Asano E. Evaluating Reverse Speech as a Control Task with Language-Related Gamma Activity on Electrocorticography. Neuroimage. 2012 May 1;60(4):2335-45.
- Brown EC, Rothermel R, Nishida M, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Hoechstetter K, Sood S, Chugani HT, Asano E. In vivo animation of auditory-language-induced gamma-oscillations in children with intractable focal epilepsy. NeuroImage, 2008; 41:1120-31. (Animation movie can be found here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2424169/bin/NIHMS47354-supplement-Video_S1.mpg).
Oral Presentations:
- Mathur A, Yin J, Brown EC, Grimm M, Leff T, Sokol R. Research Training: What You Get May Not Necessarily Be What You Need or Want. Panel discussion as part of the Professional and Academic Development Seminar, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, December 2009.
- Brown EC, Asano E, Rothermel R, Nishida M, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Sood S, Chugani HT. In-vivo animation of auditory-language-evoked gamma-oscillations in children with intractable focal epilepsy. Oral presentation at Wayne State University School of Medicine’s Medical Student Research Symposium, Detroit, MI, January 2008.
Poster Presentations:
- Brown EC, Muzik O, Rothermel R, Nagasawa T, Juhasz C, Sood S, Asano E. A probability map of naming based upon event-related electrocorticography. For the poster session hosted by the American Society for Clinical Investigation and the Association of American Physicians Joint Meeting at the Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Physician Scientists Association, Chicago, IL, April 2010.
- Brown EC, Asano E. Brain waves and their utility in pre-surgical pediatric brain mapping. Wayne State University’s Graduate Exhibition, Detroit, MI, March 2010.
- Brown EC, Rothermel R, Nagasawa T, Juhasz C, Sood S, Asano E. In vivo cortical mapping of the right hemisphere via auditory-language-related gamma-oscillations in children with intractable focal epilepsy. Wayne State University School of Medicine’s Graduate Student Research Day, Detroit, MI, September 2009.
- Brown EC, Loeb JA, Barkmeier D, Balan K, Beaumont T, Rakhade S. Identification of new molecular targets for human epilepsy. National MD PhD Conference, Keystone, CO, July 2009.
- Brown EC, Loeb JA, Barkmeier D, Balan K, Beaumont T, Rakhade S. Identification of new molecular targets for human epilepsy. Wayne State University School of Medicine’s Medical Student Research Symposium, Detroit, MI, January 2009.
- Brown EC, Loeb JA, Barkmeier D, Balan K, Beaumont T, Rakhade S. Identification of new molecular targets for human epilepsy. In the Neurobiology/Neuroscience category of the AMA Medical Student Section and AMA Resident and Fellow Section Joint Research Poster Symposium, Orlando, FL, October 2008.
- Brown EC, Loeb JA, Barkmeier D, Balan K, Beaumont T, Rakhade S. Identification of new molecular targets for human epilepsy. Wayne State University School of Medicine’s MD PhD Student Research Day, Detroit, MI, October 2008.
- Brown EC, Asano E, Rothermel R, Nishida M, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Sood S, Chugani HT. In-vivo animation of auditory-language-evoked gamma-oscillations in children with intractable focal epilepsy. The 61st Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Philadelphia, PA, November/December 2007.
- Brown EC, Asano E, Rothermel R, Nishida M, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Sood S, Chugani HT. In-vivo animation of auditory-language-evoked gamma-oscillations in children with intractable focal epilepsy. Wayne State University School of Medicine’s MD PhD Student Research Day, Detroit, MI, November 2007.
- 2012 Asselin Award, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Neurosciences, for First-Authored Paper.
- Third Place, Graduate Exhibition. Wayne State University, 2011.
- First Place for Oral Presentation, Graduate Student Research Day. Wayne State University School of Medicine, 2010.
- Excellence in Research Award. State-wide graduate student research publication competition organized by the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, 2009.
- Outstanding Graduate/Professional Student Award. Honored at the Campus Life Leadership Awards Ceremony, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 2009.
- Neurobiology/Neuroscience Category First Place Winner. AMA Medical Student Section and AMA Resident and Fellow Section Joint Research Poster Symposium, Orlando, FL, October 2008.
- First Place for MD PhD Competition. Wayne State University School of Medicine’s Medical Student Research Symposium, Detroit, MI, January 2008.
- Lois and Herschel Sandberg Award for Biomedical Research. Wayne State University School of Medicine’s Medical Student Research Symposium, Detroit, MI, January 2008.
Outside Interests: Ice Hockey, Skateboarding, Snowboarding, Surfing, Guitar, Singing, Marathons, Triathlons, Spanish, and Traveling.