Chaowen Wu
Physician (Plastic Surgery), Revel You, Woodlands, TX
Education: BS University of Michigan, Biopsychology and minor in Philosophy
Graduate Program Affiliation: Anatomy & Cell Biology
Clinical Interests: Surgery
Advisor: Zhuo-Hua Pan, Anatomy & Cell Biology
Academic and Professional Honors:
Graduate Student Research Day, 1st Place, Poster Presentation
National Eye Institute Travel Grant Award, 2010
The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Member, 2010
Society for Neuroscience Member, 2007
Board of Governors Scholarship, 2005-present
University Honors, University of Michigan, 2001-2004
Golden Key Honors Society, 2001-2004
Biomedical Research Fellowship, 2002-2003
Angell B. Scholar Award, 2000
Publications & Abstracts:
Outside Interests: Painting, horseback riding, good food
- Wu C, Ivanova E, Cui J, Lu Q, Pan ZH. Action Potential Generation at an Axon Initial Segment-Like Process in the Axonless Retinal AII Amacrine Cell. Journal of Neuroscience. 2011;31(41):14654-14659.
- Siddiqui A, Cipriano J. Wu C, Tepper D. (Apr. 2012). Tissue Matrix Allograft Stretch in Breast Reconstruction. American Association of Plastic Surgeons, San Francisco, CA.
- Wu C, Ivanova E, Cui J, Pan ZH. (May 2011). Sodium channel clustering in an AII amacrine cell process revealed by targeting Chop2-GFP with the ankyrin binding domain motif. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
- Wu C, Ivanova E, Cui J, Pan ZH. (Nov. 2010). Sodium channel clustering in an AII amacrine cell process revealed by targeting Chop2-GFP with the ankyrin binding domain motif. Great Lakes Vision Research Conference, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Wu C, Ivanova E, Cui J, Pan ZH. (Jul. 2010). Sodium channel clustering in an AII amacrine cell process revealed by targeting Chop2-GFP with the ankyrin binding domain motif. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Saxtons River, VT.
- Wu C, Ivanova E, Zhang Y, Pan ZH. (May 2010). AAV-mediated subcellular targeting of Chop2-GFP in retinal ganglion cells. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
- Wu C, Pan ZH. (Sep. 2009). Recreating retinal center-surround inhibition organization through the use of protein sorting motifs. Graduate Student Research Day, Detroit, MI.
- Bi A, Cui J, Ma YP, Ivanova E, Pu ML, Dizhoor AM, Wu C, and Pan ZH. (Sep. 2007). Ectopic Expression of Channelrhodopsin-2 Restores Visual Responses in Mice with Photoreceptor Degeneration. Graduate Student Research Day, Detroit, MI.