Asra Shaik
Fellow, Fred Hutch Cancer Center, Seattle, WA
Asra Shaik
Education: Michigan State University, B.S. in Physiology and Economics
Mentor: Dr. Michelle Cote
Research Interests
- Genetic and molecular epidemiology of breast cancer
- Racial disparities in breast cancer risk and outcome
- Screening and prevention
Honors and Awards
- 2018 WSU/KCI Leonard N. Simons Award
- 2018 Susan G. Komen Jon T Shevell Young Scientist Travel Award
- 2017 CDRN Early Career Cancer Health DIsparities Research Scholarship
- 2017 AACR Early-career Hill Day Representative
- 2016 AACR-Genentech Scholar in Training Award
- 2016 AACR Integrative Molecular Epidemiology Workshop
- Senut MC, Sen A, Cingolani P, Shaik A, Land SJ, Ruden DM. Lead exposure disrupts global DNA methylation in human embryonic stem cells and alters their neuronal differentiation. Toxicol Sci. 2016 May;139(1):142-61.
- Senut MC, Cingolani P, Sen A, Kruger A, Shaik A, Hirsch H, Suhr ST, Ruden D. Epigenetics of early-life lead exposure and effects on brain development. Epigenomics. 2012 Dec;4(6):665-74.
Under review:
- Shaik AN, Ruterbusch JJ, Abdulfatah E, Ghanim M, Daaboul F, Pardeshi V, Ali-Fehmi R, Visscher DW, Bandyopadhyay S, Cote ML. Breast fibroadenomas are not associated with increased breast cancer risk in an African American contemporary cohort of women with benign breast disease.
Other Information
Conferences Attended:
Oral presentations:
- Shaik AN, Kiavash K, Stark K, Boerner JL, Ruterbusch JJ, Ali-Femi R, Cote ML. Adipose inflammation and the risk of benign and malignant breast disease in African American women. AACR Annual Meeting, April 2018, Chicago, IL.
Poster presentations:
- Shaik AN, Boerner JL, Cote ML, Dyson G, Ali-Fehmi R, Bandyopadhyay S, Purrington KS. Immune cell infiltrates differ by obesity in tumor and adjacent normal breast tissue in African American women with triple negative breast cancer. AACR Special Conference: Advances in Breast Cancer Research, October 2017, Los Angeles, CA.
- Shaik AN, Ruterbusch JJ, Abdulfatah E, Ghanim M, Daaboul F, Pardeshi V, Ali-Fehmi R, Visscher DW, Bandyopadhyay, Cote ML. Fibroadenomas on benign breast biopsy and subsequent breast cancer risk in an African American cohort. AACR Special Conference: Improving Cancer Risk Prediction for Prevention and Early Detection, November 2016, Orlando, FL.
- F31 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award for Individual Predoctoral Scholars (2017-2018)
- Komen for the Cure Graduate Training in Disparities Research Program Fellowship (2015-2017)