Allison Van Dyke
Physician (Data Analysis), National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Control & Population Sciences, Bethesda, MD
Education: Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Med Program, University of Pennsylvania, B.A. in Psychology with Concentration in Neural & Behavioral Sciences, Minor in Biology, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA
Thesis: The Role of a-2 Noradrenergic Receptor in the Mediation of the Central CRH-NE-NPY Feeding Mechanism in Activity-Based Anorexia in Male Rats, Wendy Sternberg, Ph.D., Haverford College; Haverford, PA
Graduate Program Affiliation: Cancer Biology
Research Interests: Neuroimmunology
Clinical Interests: Neurology, focusing on the overlap between rheumatology & neurology
Advisor: Ann Schwartz, M.D., M.P.H.,Cancer Biology
- Van Dyke AL, Cote ML, Wenzlaff AS, Abram J, Land S, Iyer P, Schwartz AG. Chromosome 5p Region SNPs Are Associated with Risk of NSCLC among Women. Journal of Cancer Epidemiology, Accepted.
- Van Dyke AL, Cote ML, Wenzlaff AS, Chen W, Abrams J, Land S, Giroux C, Schwartz AG. Cytokine and Cytokine Receptor SNPs Predict Risk of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer among Women. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers Prevention 2009;18:1829-40.
- Van Dyke AL, Cote ML, Wenzlaff AS, Land S, Schwartz AG. Comparison of Allele Frequencies by Race & Implications for Future Studies. Cytokine 2009;46:236-44.
- Schwartz AG, Cote ML, Wenzlaff AS, Van Dyke AL, Chen W, Ruckdeschel JC, Gadgell S, Soubani A. Chronic Obstructive Lung Diseases and Risk of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in Women. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2009;4:291-9.
- Cote ML, Yoo W, Wenzlaff AS, Prysak GM, Santer S, Claeys GB, Van Dyke AL, Land SJ, Schwartz AG. Tobacco and Estrogen Metabolic Polymorphisms and Risk of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in Women. Carcinogenesis 2009;30:626-35.
- Van Dyke, A.L., Cote, M.L., Prysak, G., Claeys, G.B., Wenzlaff, A.S., Murphy, V., Lonardo, F., Schwartz, A.G. COX-2/EGFR Expression and Survival among Women with Adenocarcinoma of the Lung. Carcinogenesis 2008;29:1781-7.
- Van Dyke, A.L., Cote, M.L., Prysak, G., Claeys, G.B., Wenzlaff, A.S., Schwartz, A.G. Regular Adult Aspirin Use Decreases the Risk of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer among Women. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 2008;17(1):148-57.
- Von Feldt JM, Scalzi LV, Cucchiara AJ, Morthala S, Kealey C, Flagg SD, Genin A, Van Dyke AL, Nackos E, Chander A, Gehrie E, Cron RQ, and Whitehead AS. Homocysteine Levels and Disease Duration Independently Correlate with Coronary Artery Calcification in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients. Arthritis & Rheumatism 2006;54(7):2220-7.
- Kolasinski SL, Garfinkel M, Gilden-Tsai A, Matz M, Van Dyke A, Schumacher HR. Iyengar Yoga for Osteoarthritis of the Knees: A Pilot Study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2005;11(4):689-93.
Book Chapters:
- Smith, A.M., Maragos, T., Van Dyke, A.L. Psychology of the Musician. In P. Amadio & R. Tubiana (Eds.), Medical Problems of Instrumentalist Musicians. London : Martin Dunitz Publishers, 1999.
- Van Dyke AL, Cote ML, Wenzlaff AS, Prysak G, Claeys GB, Land S, Schwartz AG. Cytokine SNPs differentially predict risk of NSCLC in African American and Caucasian women. American Association Cancer Research Meeting, April 2008: 3123.
- Flagg SD , Fraterman S, Van Dyke AL , Whitehead AS , Von Feldt JM. Associations between MTHFR C677 Genotype, Homocysteine and Race as Risk Factors Contributing to Premature Cardiovascular Disease in SLE. American College of Rheumatology Meeting, 2003.
- Evangelisto A, Kolasinski SL, Garfinkel M, Schumacher HR, Van Dyke AL, Richards C, Hillstrom HH. Changes in Gait Parameters After Participation in a Yoga Program for Treatment of Symptoms of Osteoarthritis (OA) of the Knee: A Pilot Study. OsteoArthritis Research Society International (OARSI) Meeting, 2003.
- Flagg SD, Scalzi LV , Van Dyke AL , Von Feldt JM. Homocysteine and Number of Traditional Cardiovascular (CV) Risks Predict Coronary Artery Calcification (CAC) in SLE. American College of Rheumatology Meeting, 2003.
Invited Presentations:
- A three-stage analysis of associations between SNPs in multiple pathways and lung cancer among women. Days of Molecular Medicine 2009: Human Genetics, Stem Cells and Physiology: The Future of individualized medicine. Massachusetts General Hospital/Karolinska Institute, Boston, May 2009.
- Cytokine and cytokine receptor polymorphisms differentially predict survival by race among women with NSCLC. American Association Cancer Research Meeting, April 2009.
- Cytokine and cytokine receptor polymorphisms differentially predict survival by race among women with NSCLC. Cancer Epidemiology Working Group, University of Michigan, April 2009.
- Race, hormones and menopausal status as risk factors in women with NSCLC. North American Association of Central Cancer Registries. Detroit, Michigan. June 7, 2007.
Reviewer for Journals:
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers Prevention
Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters
Experimental Lung Research
2007- Associate Member, American Association of Cancer Research
2007- Associate Member, Karmanos Cancer Institute
2006- Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Outside Interests: Hiking, watching independent films, listening to the blues, and vegan baking
Favorite Aspects of MD PhD Program: WSU SOM presents a uniques combination of intensive clinical training unparalleled elsewhere and competitive basic science strengths in my interests