Degree requirements

In addition to the following regulations, requirements are specified by individual graduate programs in the School of Medicine.

Master of Science

The minimum Graduate School requirement for the master's degree is thirty credits, at least twenty-four of which must be taken at the University. In some master's degree programs where the department requires more than the Graduate School minimum, the department's requirement takes precedence. The Graduate School recognizes three general master's degree plans, though not all plans are offered in each department (for exact information, see individual listings under Academic Programs.

Plan A requires a total of thirty credits, including a total of eight credits for a thesis.

Plan B requires a total of thirty credits, including a minimum of two credits for an essay.

Plan C requires a total of thirty credits. The essay or thesis is not required.


Admission as an applicant does not assure acceptance as a candidate for a degree. Candidacy is a necessary but not sufficient requirement for graduation.

Generally, students enrolled in master's degree programs are expected to file a Plan of Work by the time eight to twelve graduate credits have been earned. The applicant shall be advanced to the rank of "candidate" upon approval of the Plan of Work by the College Graduate Office. In some cases, candidacy must be authorized by the time twelve graduate credits have been earned or subsequent registration will be denied. In preparing the Plan, the student and adviser should evaluate with care the personal and professional objectives of the student as well as all degree and departmental requirements.

Time Limitation

Students have a six-year time limit to complete all requirements for the master's degree. The six-year period begins with the end of the semester during which the student has taken work which applies toward meeting the requirements of the degree. The school reserves the right of revalidation of over-age credits which are between six and ten years old and which represent courses completed at Wayne State University. Such authority rests with the College Graduate Officer. Students are not permitted to revalidate credits earned at other institutions. In revalidation cases the adviser and the student must set a terminal date for completion of all degree requirements, including such additional requirements as may be prescribed to revalidate the over-age credits. Time extensions beyond these conditions are authorized only for conditions clearly beyond the student's control.

A student registered in a non-degree graduate classification is cautioned that only one semester of full-time graduate study, or part-time registration not to exceed nine credits, is permitted in this classification. Not more than nine credits may be applied toward the credit requirements for the master's degree.