James Soetedjo

James Soetedjo

James Soetedjo


Education: BS in Bioengineering from the University of Washington
Year in Program: M2
Thesis Mentor: undecided


1. J. Soetedjo, O. S. Keluo-Udeke, C. Amold, N. Pouratian and W. Speier, Maintaining High Accuracy General P300 Speller Using the Language Modeling and Dynamic Stopping, 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), 2020, pp. 365-368, doi: 10.1109/BIBE50027.2020.00066.

2. P. Loizidou, E. Rios, A. Marttini, O. Keluo-Udeke, J. Soetedjo, J. Belay, K. Perifanos, N. Pouratian, W. Speier, Extending Brain-Computer Interface Access with a Multilingual Language Model in the P300 Speller, Brain-Computer Interfaces.



BIG Summer Travel Grant

UW Bioengineering Madame Erzeng Yang Scholarship


Conferences Attended:

Conference Presentation, “Maintaining High Accuracy General P300 Speller Using the Language Modeling and Dynamic Stopping,” IEEE BIBE 2020 Conference, Oct 26-28, 2020.

Thesis Presentation, “Bacterial Metabolic Profiling Using a Machine Learning Based Image Analysis Program,” UW Bioengineering Capstone Symposium, May 24, 2021.

In my free time, I enjoy playing chess, video games, hiking, and trying out new foods with friends.

Research Interests

I am interested in leveraging single-cell sequencing techniques to elucidate the mechanism of anesthetic drugs on the human brain.

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