Ece Erder

Ece Erder

Ece Erder


OSIG 2023: Characterization of human bladder cancer cell lines for targeted alpha-particle therapyOSIG 2023: Characterization of human bladder cancer cell lines for targeted alpha-particle therapytrong> BS in Cellular and Developmental Neuroscience, PGD in Medical Neuroscience, MS in CMIB at Michigan State University


Year in Program: M2

Thesis Mentor: undecided

Research Interest: Cancer biology and radiopharmaceuticals



Dagsuyu, I. , Oksayan, R. , Kahraman, F., Erder, E. Three-Dimensional Orthodontic Treatment Planning, XIV. International Symposium of Turkish Orthodontic Society, 2015.
Erder E. Characterization of human bladder cancer cell lines for targeted alpha-particle therapy. [Order No. 30810820]. Michigan State University; 2023.

Conferences Attended:

Tubitak 2015: “How to purify water with graphene filters”
MidSURE 2018: “A Method to Obtain Forces Generated by The Index Finger in Flexed Positions”
MSUCHM Research Symposium 2021: “Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Parental Compliance with Clinical Well-Child Visits”
CMIB Seminar 2022: “Validating the levels of expression for EGFR1 and EGFR2 on human bladder cancer cell lines in in vitro trials”
OSIG 2023: "Characterization of human bladder cancer cell lines for targeted alpha-particle therapy"

Research Interests

 Cancer biology and radiopharmaceuticals

Honors and Awards

 Leadership Institute Fellow 2021

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