Ali Ranjbaran
Ali Ranjbaran
Education: B.S. in Immunology and Medical Microbiology, West Virginia University 2019
Year in Program: G3
Thesis Mentor: Drs. Francesca Luca, PhD and Roger Pique-Regi, Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Conferences Attended:
Annual MD-PhD National Student Conference, Colorado, 2023
The Biology of Genome, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, Cold Spring Harbor, 2023
Leadership Alliance National Symposium, Hartford, 2018
Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students, Indianapolis, 2018
Three Rivers Evolutionary Events, Pittsburgh, 2017
Research Interests
I am Interested in utilizing high-throughput multi-omics data including scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq to understand underlying biological and immunological processes in complex traits. More specifically I am interested in using these genomics tools to study genotype-environment interactions in the context of childhood asthma and exposure to psychosocial variables.
Nishana, Mayilaadumveettil, Caryn Ha, Javier Rodriguez-Hernaez, Ali Ranjbaran, Erica Chio, Elphege P. Nora, Sana B. Badri, et al. 2020. “Defining the Relative and Combined Contribution of CTCF and CTCFL to Genomic Regulation.” Genome Biology 21 (1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-020-02024-0
Karanji, Ahmad Kiani, Maryssa Beasley, Daud Sharif, Ali Ranjbaran, Justin Legleiter, and Stephen J. Valentine. 2020. “Investigating the Interactions of the First 17 Amino Acid Residues of Huntingtin with Lipid Vesicles Using Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Dynamics.” Journal of Mass Spectrometry 55 (1): e4470. https://doi.org/10.1002/jms.4470.